Please you note that these are only the planned exhibition
dates and are included a short term change.
I have to show page New Edit, but lack of time to come later.
We present our cats regularly FIFe show.
This site lack of time is not constantly updated.
Do you want to meet directly on the show, but know when and where we found
are on show - send us an inquiry email.
Page Show is not constantly
From autumn 2023 our cats will be presented at show's
FIFe Cats Show 2017 PL and DE
Katzen Ausstellung in 63571- Gelnhausen/Meerholz
Am 25.04. + 26.04.2015 treffen Sie uns auf FIFe Internationale
Katzenausstellung in 63571- Gelnhausen/Meerholz PDF Flyer zur Ausstellung
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FIFe Ausstellung Termine fuer 2015 in Deutschland
(Screenshot FIFe Kalender)
FIFe Special Show 2014
FIFe Ausstellung Termine fuer 2014 in Deutschland
(Screenshot FIFe Kalender)
FIFe Show Trial balance 2012
21/22.01.2012. FIFe Show Isselburg DE
Sa. Kiwigirl - Ex1, CAC, Nomination BIS, Best In Show (BIS) Kategorie 3 Weiblich
Sa. Sander - Ex1, CAC, Nomination BIS, Best In Show Einstimmig (BIS) Kategorie
3 Männlich Erwachsene
So. Kiwigirl - Ex1, CAC
So. Sander - Ex1, CAC, BIV Total (Best in Variete-Rassesieg), Nomination BIS,
In BIS Panel 2 x 2 Richter Stimmen und via Los gewann ein schöner (!)
Burma Kater. Gratulation!
28.01-29.01.2012. FIFe Show Fellbach DE
Sa. Kiwigirl - Ex1, CAC, Nomination BIS, Best In Show (BIS) Kategorie 3 Weiblich
Sa. Jill-Sander - Ex1, CAC, BIV Total (Best in Variete-sog. Rassesieg) Nomination
BIS, Best In Show (BIS) Kategorie 3 Männlich Erwachsene
Kiwigirl - Ex1, CACIB, Nomination BIS, Best In Show (BIS) Einstimmig Kategorie
3 Weiblich Erwachsene
So. Jill-Sander - Ex1, CACIB
04.02.-05.02.2012 FIFe Show Rothenburg CH BIS SONDERSHOW BRITISCH KURZHAAR
Sa. BKH Sondershow:
Jill-Sander Blue: Ex1, CACIB, BIV Total, Nomination, BIS Männlich in
der Sondershow BKH !
Sa. Kiwigirl: Ex1, CACIB
Sa. Xavier: Ehrenpreis, Nomination
So. Jill-Sander Blue: Ex1,
So. Kiwigirl: Ex1, CACIB
So. Xavier: Ehrenpreis, Nomination
04.03.2012. FIFe Show Tienen BE
IC. Dearcat's Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl: Ex1, CAGCIB
IC. Dearcat's Jill-Sander Blue: Ex1, CAGCIB, Rassesieg BIV, Nom.BIS, Best
In Show Category 3 Male
10.03.+ 11.03.2012 FIFe Show Offenburg DE
Dearcat's Jill-Sander Blue: EX1, CACIB, Rassesieg Total (BIV), Nom.BIS, Best
In Show Male Category 3
Dearcat's Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl: EX1, CAGCIB
Dearcat's Nice-Sissi: Ex1 - Junior Klasse 6-10 Mon.
Dearcat's Jill-Sander Blue: EX2 (Richterin Fr. Wielland-Schilla CH.)
Dearcat's Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl: EX1, CAGCIB
Dearcat's Nice-Sissi: Ex1 - Junior Klasse 6-10 Mon.
02.September 2012 Kelkheim/Taunus DE BIS SONDERSHOW BRITISCH KURZHAAR
Xavier: Veteran Platz II
So. BKH Sondershow: Kiwigirl:
CAGCIB, BIV Best In Variete (Rassesieg), Nom. BIS, BIS (Best In Show) Kategorie
3 und beste Erwachsene Britisch Kurzhaar Katze des Sondershow!
15.09 + 16.09.2012 FIFe Show Bindlach DE
Sa. Dearcat's Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl: Ex1, CAGCIB, Nomination BIS
So. Dearcat's Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl: Ex1, CAGCIB, Nomination BIS
14.10.2012 FIFe Show Abstatt
IC. Dearcat's Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl:
Ex1, CAGCIB, Nomination, Best In Show (BIS) Adult Female Category 3
Xibelle-Blue Van Black Lake: Ex1, CAC
10.11.2012 + 11.11.2012 KARLSRUHE DE
Sa. IC.Dearcats Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl: Ex1, CAGCIB, Rassesieg Erwachsene
(Best In Varieté), Nomination, Best In Show Kategorie 3 Erwachsene
(Richterurteil: Einstimmig)
Sa. Xibelle Blue Van Black Lake: Ex1, CAC, Rassesieg Erwachsene (Best In Varieté),
Nomination BIS
So. Sa. IC.Dearcats Kiss-Kiss Kiwigirl: Ex1,
CAGCIB, Nomination, Best In Show Kategorie 3 Erwachsene (Richterurteil: Einstimmig)
So. Xibelle Blue Van Black Lake: Ex1, CAC, Rassesieg Erwachsene (Best In Varieté),
Nomination BIS
FIFe Show Trial balance 2011
off Januar- To May
January:FIFe Show Muelheim-Kaaerlich DE
Dearcats 'Jill-Sander blue' - Ex1, Nom. BIS., BIS -(Best in Show Teenager)
Category 3 Class 6-10
Dearcats 'Blue Olivia' - Ex1, CACS, BIV Total (Best in Variete). Olivia after
only 13 weeks maternity leave is back on the issue and successfully got all
the proposed point scale.
Tip Toes White Xavier - was issued in two parallel classes. Class 1 and class
Class 1: Ex1, Nomination BIS
Class Veterans: Ex1, Nomination BIS
February: FIFe Show Bad-Rappenau DE 12/13.02.2011
Dearcats Jill-Sander blue - Ex1, Best in Variete Adult (BIV), Nomination BIS
Category 3 Class 6-10
Dearcats Blue Olivia - Ex1, CACS, Best in Variete Junior (BIV), Nomination
BIS Adult Female Category 3
Dearcats Jill-Sander blue - Ex1, Best in Variete Junior (BIV), Nomination
BIS Category 3 Class 6-10
Dearcats Blue Olivia - Ex1, CACS, Best in Variete (BIV), Nomination BIS Adult
Female Category 3
May: FIFe Show Alsfeld DE 08.05.2011
Dearcats 'Lila' - Ex1, CAC
Tip Toes White Xavier - Class Veterans: Ex1, Nomination BIS, Best in Show
FIFe Show Trial balance 2010
Bad Kissingen- Abs.
Luxemburg - Abs.
FIFe Show w Fernwald DE* :
Dearcats 'CatDog' Ex1, CAC, BIV Adult, Nom. BIS., Best opp. Sex (Best
in Show Male) Kategory 3 Open Class (Judges decision unanimously)
Dearcats 'Sander' Ex1, BIV, Nom. BIS., BIS -(Best in Show Teenager)
Kategory 3 Class 6-10 (Judges decision unanimously)
Dearcats 'Kiwigirl' Ex1, BIV, Nom. BIS., BIS -(Best in Show Kitten),
Kategory 3, Class 3-6 (Judges decision unanimously)
Dearcats 'Gucci' Ex1, CAC, Open Class
Dearcats 'CatDog' Ex1, CAC, Open Class
Dearcats 'Sander' Ex1, BIV, Nom. BIS., BIS -(Best in Show Teenager)
Kategory 3 Class 6-10 (Judges decision unanimously)
Dearcats 'Kiwigirl' Ex1, BIV, Nominacja, BIS (Best in Show Kitten),
Kategory 3, Class 3-6 (Judges decision unanimously)
Dearcats Gucci' EX1, CAC, Open Class
Except that our cats were very successful, the show has been organized very well. We have seen very good atmosphere with our friends and have fun in the two days. However, the next message show we will have to make a reservation, which is necessary for our views and easy).
FIFe Show Trial balance
off January 2009 - to November 2009
Dinslaken D* (Germany)
Cuba: Ex1, CAC, Best In Variete BIV (Total)
Xavier: Ex1,PH -Prix d'Honneur
Olivia: Ex1, CACS/CACE
Gucci: Ex1, CAC
Cat World Show 2009 St.Gallen *CH (Switzerland)
Xavier: Ex1,PH -Prix d'Honneur
Olivia: Ex1, CACS/CACE
Ostrava CZ* (Czech republic)
Xavier: Ex1, CACS, Nom.BIS, Best in Show opp.Sex Category 3,
Olivia: Ex1, CACIB, Nom. BIS
Oestringen D* (Germany)
Xavier: Ex1, CACS, Nom. BIS
Kacper: Ex1, CAC
Olivia: Ex1, CACIB
Opole PL* (Poland)
Saturday -Ex1, CACS, Nom.BIS, Best in Show, Best of Best 4 (from 452 cats)
Sunday - Ex1, CACS, Nom. BIS, Best in Show opp. Sex Category 3
Saturday - Ex1, CAGCIB, Nom. BIS
Sunday - Ex1, CAGCIB
Lublin PL* (Poland)
Arnhem NL* (The Netherlands)
Xavier: Ex1, CACS, Nom. BIS
Olivia :Ex3
Koblenz *D (Germany)
Xavier :
Saturday - Ex1, CACS
Sunday - Ex1, CACS
Saturday - EX1, CAC
Sunday - EX1, CACIB
Saturday - Ex1, CAGCIB, Nom.BIS, Best in Show opp.Sex Category 3
Sunday - Ex1, CAGCIB, Best in Variete, Nom.BIS, Best in Show opp. Sex Category
Luxembourg L* (Luxemburg)
Xavier: EX1, PH-Prix d'Honneur, Nom. BIS, Best in Show opp. Sex Category 3
Kacper: Ex1, CACIB
Olivia: Ex1, CAGCIB, Best in Variete, Nom.BIS
Gucci: Ex1, Nom. BIS, Best in Show Klasse Kitten 3-6
Marburg D* (Germany)
Xavier: Ex1,PH -Prix d'Honneur
Kacper: Ex1, CACIB
Olivia: Ex1, CAGCIB, Best in Variete, Nom.BIS, Best in Show (all judges unanimous),
Best of Best 1 (all judges unanimous)
Top Five 2009 im IG-BKH (British Shorthair
Club FIFe)
Our cats on the FIFe exhibitors reached the following places:
Adult Male: with number-point scale
1270 Place 2. SC.GIC*.DSM. Tip Toes White Xavier, BRI-w62
Adult Female: with number-point scale
1770 Pace 3. GIC. Dearcats Blue Olivia, BRI-a